
An example of a PVD vacuum coating machine

PVD coating machines – Fast coating rates
Most commercially available PVD vacuum coating machines are fitted with at least 4 magnetrons or arc cathodes, enabling fast coating rates for production departments.

PVD coating machines – Even coating distribution
To ensure even coating distribution on tools and components 2 or 3 fold rotation systems are used.

Computer controlled coating process
The PVD coating machines are fully computer controlled allowing the operator to carry out other tasks while the coating process is carried out.

Turn key coating machines available
In many industries it has become economically advantageous for companies to purchase their own turn key PVD coating machines as part of their production department and coat in-house. This reduces the unit costs and equally importantly reducing turnaround times.

Barrel PVD coating machines
Recently barrel PVD coating machines have been developed that enable the coating of large volumes of difficult to handle components such as fasteners, powders and ball bearings. These barrel coaters can deposit metal, alloy and ceramic PVD coatings on a large number of loose components (even powders) which are gently tumbled in a specially designed rotating component drum. PVD coatings deposited in the barrel coating system provide all over coverage of components, eliminating the requirement for complicated fixturing during the coating process.